Hot Stone Massage: Many of our customers have said that they have thought about having a hot stone massage, but they do not know what to expect. A hot stone massage experience is definately something worth trying, it is amazing!
What to Expect:
Our therapists arrive at your home with their massage table, towels and oil which for a relaxation massage, in addition they also bring a special electric slow cooker that heats stones using boiling water.
They will set up the table, towel and get the cooker starting to warm the stones. They will begin a relaxation massage as normal, however once the stones have reached temperature they use the stones in their relaxation strokes. Sometimes when the stones come out of the cooker they are too hot, the therapist will also have a bowl of cold water ready so the stones are only used at a safe temperature.
As well as using the stone directly onto skin the therapists will also place hot stone on top of the towel. For example when the therapist is massaging legs using the hot stones, the therapist may also at the same time place hot stones onto the back on top of the towel. The heat slowing reaches deep into the muscle fibres for a more relaxing and therapeutic effect.
Hot Stone massage is strongly recommended for people who like a remedial style massage, but not necessarily the strong pressure usually required to release muscle tension during a deep tissue and remedial massage. In the case of the hot stone massage it is the heat working in conjunction with the strokes that works at a deeper muscle fibre level.
If you have any further quereies or comments don’t hesitate to contact me, Jacqui 0423 256 018